It's 8th of July and summer hasn't even arrived in Ireland yet. This makes me even more scrupulous in extracting sunny moments from rainy, chilly days and absorbing their energy with all my being. I rush to my allotment and pick ripe raspberries, because then they taste best, warm, juicy and aromatic.
Everything else is still in bud, this year the weather is not kind to anything except weeds. It's long past the season in Poland, and yesterday I picked my first strawberry from the bush. Interestingly, even when it was not fully ripe, it tasted delicious and sweet, while the beautiful red ones from the store taste like cucumbers.
For me to remember:

Will they be just as sweet in a different climate?
But today that's not what I wanted to write about... Today I'm talking about the Great Step Forward!
I recently returned from a two-week stay in Poland. I have it! I actually found and bought the land!
I still can't believe it, especially since everything happened so quickly! It was as if some force was just waiting for my decision, and the moment it was made, it sighed, "Finally!", and pushed the right things towards me.
Less than half a year has passed since I made the decision to return to Poland in a few years and found Siedlisko, and I already own the place, the bureaucratic machine of building permits has been set in motion, a fence has been built (the thought of having my own gate and wicket makes me weirdly emotional), and water connection is there!
Yes, this is the place I looked at in early spring, the second plot I was considering. Interestingly, the apartment I bought in Ireland was also one of the first ones I looked at... I may think long and hard, but when I start acting, I do it with a clearly defined goal and previously prepared resources.
I don't need much to feel good, but when I want something, I want it with all my being, head, soul, heart and skin! Maybe that's why I've achieved my goals, and obstacles, instead of demotivating me, make me suck it up, roll up my sleeves and move on.
And now I WANT to build my Siedlisko, my Homestead. For many reasons it will take a lot of time, but that's fine. And even though everything in me is reaching out to this place, to be there, now, every day, I can wait and I enjoy every little step. Even when, as now, I'm sitting in my apartment in Ireland and it's raining outside.
I will soon describe in more detail what everything looks like and what I plan to do next, in September!
For now, see for yourself... I am happy, in love, filled with hope and energy!